Monday, August 25, 2008

Read this right stinking now.

So, I'm curious. I engaged in a conversation with a friend of mine about blogging. It was as simple as this: blogging is stupid - so why do you do it. I told him why, and he said, ok, that makes sense (it's irrelevant why I blog).

Here's the point...I am curious to know who reads this sorry excuse for authorship.

So comment...I'm curious. I'm assuming the number of comments will equal the number of readers. If it goes over three, I'll be ecstatic. If not, I'm still blogging, Daniel.


Juan said...

I read your blog.

Anonymous said...

This is why I use wordpress - it gives you daily breakdowns on visitors and which posts are more poular than others.

You could also use Google Analytics with Blogger to track the same things. Just a thought.

emily said...

I read your blog - I think it is kind of neat. Have a fantastic day.
